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Why don't you just meet me in the middle?

We are halfway
between you and your friends
if you really think about it

Statistically, that has to be true
for at least a couple of you

Meet your friends halfway 
at Saddleback for some golf


The Tavern for not some golf

* * * * *

Family golf

Family Golf is back!
For just $45
a family can golf up to 9-holes
with carts
and range balls

The Family Golf Deal is every night*
with tee times starting at 6pm.

Families may book a tee time up to 2 weeks out

tee times fill quickly 

Tee times are based on first booked/first to go play
If you book your tee time on the day you play
you will be put at the bottom of the list

This offer is only valid if you have at least
one junior
 (17, or under) in your group 

Up to 2 carts are included in this deal
provided you have at least 2 adult drivers (18, or over)
We won't accept a 16 or 17 year old to drive our carts,
even if they have a drivers license or permit.
That don't count, so don't try to convince us 
how mature you are
 we pretty much invented the 
"I am so mature and responsible" game

We DO allow 5-somes to play during the Family Golf Deal
and will only charge

$5 more for your additional juvenile delinquent.
We will charge additional cart fees
if a 3rd cart is required 

Additional play (beyond 9-holes)
will incur an additional $45/group charge

The Family Golf Deal is for 
If you only get 2 or 3 holes in before dark
the price is not prorated
and there are no rainchecks
given for Family Golf Deals.

'You pays yer money & you takes yer chances!'

* * * * *


The next 'L3' is on
Sunday, May 20th
11:30 am 

The May 20th clinic will focus on Putting

Other clinics to watch for...
Pitch Shots
Bunker Shots
...and more!

Ladies Lunch & Learn are a
RELAXED clinic
followed by lunch in THE TAVERN

It is only $45
which includes both clinic and lunch

For more information,
 call Paul at 970.556.0873

 email Paul at

To register, just call the shop at
wake somebody up,
and tell them Paul sent you

* * * * * 


Let us feed and entertain the Kiddos
You enjoy a nice meal in The Tavern

We will entertain the Kiddos
and we will feed them


You have to be in The Tavern
while your kids are here cause otherwise it's just weird.
If you decide to leave your kids with us
and go somewhere else for dinner
you can expect your kids to be full of sugary drinks
and carrying their new puppy with them
when you pick them up

Also, you should plan on picking them up
at a Firehouse not-so-near you.

Date Nights begin at 5pm
and end promptly at 7:30

Did we mention that it ends promptly at 7:30?

Well, it does!

* * * * *

Mother's Day Brunch

It isn't the least you could do...
It's just what you should do, Goober!

May 13th
Mother's Day Brunch

The Tavern at Saddleback Golf Course
will have our annual
Mother's Day Brunch Buffet

This year we will be featuring
an Omelette station,
prime rib,
and smoked salmon

It is just $38/person (13 and older) 
and $13 for children from age 3 to 12 

​Reservations are not required
but they are 
highly recommended
especially for groups of more than 4 peeps 

Fine Print:
Not sure you can argue the statement that we are in the middle of you and your friends
unless you are next door to one another.
Sure, there are other examples as well and if we know our customers (YOU)
like we think we do, we should be getting your email EXCEPTIONS to our statement.
Why ya gotta be so exact about it?
It's just a slogan to sell some crap.
Lighten up, would ya?
Sometimes we aren't sure if we are really reading your minds
or just answering the voice in ours.
Wassup STUTZ?

Did you see the word 'whilst' in this eblast?
You rarely see it in modern writings.
Let's work together to bring back the word 'whilst'.
Use it in casual conversation and let's see if we can give it a comeback.

*The Family Golf Deal may be unavailable if we have
a tournament scheduled or other similar event.
It just dawned on me that that is like some serious fine print.
Usually it is just some stupid rambling, but that is a serious restriction to the deal.
That wasn't much phun, was it?

The Tavern has proudly provided 2-star service since 2016.
We are no mathematicians but 2-stars seemed pretty doggone good.

See ya on the links!

                           ...but don't hold that against them!


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