If you have 3 friends
you could golf for free
It's one choice for our Free Fridays deals

No Friends?
No worries
Get the coupon and get a sleeve of ProV1s
You already have too many balls?
Again, no worries
Get the coupon and get a comp lunch or appetizer
You're already too fat?
Okay, now we can't offer you anything
and we are sorry we wasted your
lonely, chubby, ball-hoarding time
Click Here
and we will send your coupon
directly to your email
Did ya see what we just did?
We will trade you some free crap for your email
If we already have your email
(cause you are reading this)
it doesn't matter. Right?
Have your friends get their coupon, though
They can enjoy these moronic reads
It will annoy them
that you made them give up their email
for free crap
That's what friends are for
and the benefit of having friends
* * * * *
We are in the final leg of the
Mesquite trip registration

Click here
For registration/payment/more info
If you have already registered
let us know if you need
early check-in or late check-out
(Sunday, or Friday, respectively)
* * * * *
Win 365 days of green fees!
Yeah, it's true
Stop by THE TAVERN at Saddleback
and drop your name into the drawing
We will draw a winner in the last half of the Super Bowl
No purchase is necessary
we will add an additional entry for you
for every $10 you spend in the restaurant
between now and February 3rd
You must be present to win
We will draw names
until we give this cool prize away
Of note:
this is non-transferable
and you must be at least 21 years old to be eligible.
Not sure as to WHY you have to be 21,
but that's what the SUITS told us...
don't question the SUITS
Fine Print:
it probably didn't make sense that we are all proud of our design
on getting your email address
since we are already sending you this crap.
Well... nuh-uh.
We copy/paste this to other inter webs to folks who don't want us to have their email.
Now who looks stupid?
Still us?
The final day to register for the Mesquite trip will be on January 18th,
but truth-be-told the goon in charge of this will be out of town until the 27th,
so technically if you sign up by the 26th no one will be the wiser.
ROBO will be posting rooming chart and special needs
e.g. early tee time request for Thursday play and early check-in/late check-out
See ya on the links!
...but don't hold it against 'em!
you could golf for free
It's one choice for our Free Fridays deals

No Friends?
No worries
Get the coupon and get a sleeve of ProV1s
You already have too many balls?
Again, no worries
Get the coupon and get a comp lunch or appetizer
You're already too fat?
Okay, now we can't offer you anything
and we are sorry we wasted your
lonely, chubby, ball-hoarding time
Click Here
and we will send your coupon
directly to your email
Did ya see what we just did?
We will trade you some free crap for your email
If we already have your email
(cause you are reading this)
it doesn't matter. Right?
Have your friends get their coupon, though
They can enjoy these moronic reads
It will annoy them
that you made them give up their email
for free crap
That's what friends are for
and the benefit of having friends
* * * * *
We are in the final leg of the
Mesquite trip registration

Click here
For registration/payment/more info
If you have already registered
let us know if you need
early check-in or late check-out
(Sunday, or Friday, respectively)
* * * * *
Win 365 days of green fees!
Yeah, it's true
Stop by THE TAVERN at Saddleback
and drop your name into the drawing
We will draw a winner in the last half of the Super Bowl
No purchase is necessary
we will add an additional entry for you
for every $10 you spend in the restaurant
between now and February 3rd
You must be present to win
We will draw names
until we give this cool prize away
Of note:
this is non-transferable
and you must be at least 21 years old to be eligible.
Not sure as to WHY you have to be 21,
but that's what the SUITS told us...
don't question the SUITS
Fine Print:
it probably didn't make sense that we are all proud of our design
on getting your email address
since we are already sending you this crap.
Well... nuh-uh.
We copy/paste this to other inter webs to folks who don't want us to have their email.
Now who looks stupid?
Still us?
The final day to register for the Mesquite trip will be on January 18th,
but truth-be-told the goon in charge of this will be out of town until the 27th,
so technically if you sign up by the 26th no one will be the wiser.
ROBO will be posting rooming chart and special needs
e.g. early tee time request for Thursday play and early check-in/late check-out
See ya on the links!

...but don't hold it against 'em!
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