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These greens were made for puttin, and that's just what you'll do...

Wanna learn to play better
cause you suck at golf?

Wanna teach a loved one how to play
but you know your teaching them
would totally suck?

Wanna just have a nice social round
cause serious golf sucks?

If you just answered YES
to any of those questions...

Paul McQuade
is one of the best teachers in the game

He is a real gentleman,
loves this crazy game,
and he doesn't suck

Paul has a ton of classes,
clinics, and events
designed for all skill levels

Individual Lessons
Ladies Lunch & Learn
PGA Junior League
Adult Intro to Golf (GOLF 101)
Couples Socials (9 & Dine)

To see the full catalog of offerings
from The GolfFather
and to register:

 Carbon Valley Parks & Recreation District
Click Here

you can also go to the 
on our website

* * * * *
Time is running out

Time isn't running out for league play
but rather
you are no spring chicken

You knew that, right?

Saddleback Ladies & Gentlemen Senior League

The goal of the Saddleback Senior Golf League is to promote the enjoyment of the game of golf by senior (50 and over) golfers and create a fellowship among its members through organized weekly play.

We welcome all senior golfers who find enjoyment in the game of golf and would like to meet other senior golfers. We will strive to have fun, meet new friends and play competitively for prizes in a socially companionable environment without being highly competitive.

 We will have weekly games that are all based on net scores using league specific handicaps based on league scores only (no need for a GHIN number). The fee to join the league is $20 to cover any administrative costs (which are expected to be minor), most of which will be utilized for lunch and prize money on the last day league scramble.  Depending on the cost of the menu golfers may need to contribute some amount for the lunch but we will keep that as low as possible.

 Each week players will pay $5 toward prize money for the day (low net score, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. depending on the number of players) plus closest to the pin and long putt games.  In addition, there will be an optional skins game ($2/play day) based on net scores/hole.  Prizes for placement, long putt and closest to will be paid in club house credits and skins prizes will be paid in cash.  Players can participate in skins once their league handicap is established (after one round of league play).  Players must play with at least one other player who will validate submitted scores.

If you have any questions regarding this league, please contact league managers, Larry Kappel or Chuck Farnsworth.  If any other potential members would be interested in assisting with league operations they are welcome to join us.

Larry Kappel (303) 638-2062, or

Chuck Farnsworth (720) 600-1838

For more info:
click on yer buddy,

(used without permission)

Fine Print: 
Please address 'content complaints' to TOM

if you are upset that we used the 'suck' word in an email
cause your are super sensitive to such things
​We just thought it appeals to folks we would like to golf with.

Equally offensive would be the wisecracks
made at our seniors' expense.

BTW: the dufus who writes this crap could be in your league.
Yeah, he's old too and speaks in 3rd person

TOM loves getting these complaints
and has been looking for a reason to fire the author
of these moronic emails for the last decade

You know what...
send TOM an email and just say hello

Let's fill his emailbox with some stupid nonsensical stuff
Send him a joke, pics of your family, pics of your junk
​that you have around the house. (not your 'junk')

​and, we will see thee on thoust links!
(not sure why we just went all Shakespearian on ya)

                       ...but don't hold that against them!


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