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What are we gonna do with you?

What are we gonna do 
with you? 

Here are a few idears

It's soccer, it's golf

FootGolf is much the same as traditional golf 
in that 
you try to take as few strokes (kicks) 
as possible to get your ball 
from tee to green to cup

One really smart grandpa
(who didn't want to play FootGolf)
brought his golf clubs
while his grandkids played FootGolf

His short game improved
cause he was hitting to the same
his FootGolfers were playing to

Did we mention the cups are ginormous?

You should consider a round

It really is a kick!

(sorry, that was stupid)

* * * * *
Tomorrow is 
9 & Dine!

The Nine-&-Dine events are fun, 
relaxed 9-hole golf outings, INCLUDING:
dinner and first drink! 

Each event features a different golf format (handicap not required) 
and are held approximately 
every other Sunday afternoon at 3:30 

Warm-up range balls, golf cart 
and prize pool are included in the price 

Couples checking in early 
can attend a complimentary 
group instruction clinic at 3:00 
with one of our 
Saddleback golf instructors

​Early registration is just $89

2018 "9 & Dine" Dates/Games:









AUG 19:   TBD

SEPT 9:    TBD


Call the shop to register 

for more info and online registration

* * * * *
Are you 50 years old (or older)?
Are you either a man or a woman?

Are you confused at that last question?

Have we got a league for you!

The goal of the Saddleback Senior Golf League is to promote the enjoyment of the game of golf by senior (50 and over) golfers and create a fellowship among its members through organized weekly play

We welcome all senior golfers who find enjoyment in the game of golf and would like to meet other senior golfers. We will strive to have fun, meet new friends and play competitively for prizes in a socially companionable environment without being highly competitive

 We will have weekly games that are all based on net scores using league specific handicaps based on league scores only
(no need for a GHIN number)
The fee to join the league is $20 to cover any administrative costs (which are expected to be minor), most of which will be utilized for lunch and prize money on the last day league scramble.  Depending on the cost of the menu golfers may need to contribute some amount for the lunch but we will keep that as low as possible

 Each week players will pay $5 toward prize money for the day (low net score, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. depending on the number of players) plus closest to the pin and long putt games.  In addition, there will be an optional skins game ($2/play day) based on net scores/hole.  Prizes for placement, long putt and closest to will be paid in club house credits and skins prizes will be paid in cash
Players can participate in skins
once their league handicap is established
(after one round of league play)
Players must play with at least one other player who will validate submitted scores

If you have any questions regarding this league, please contact league managers, Larry Kappel or Chuck Farnsworth.  If any other potential members would be interested in assisting with league operations they are welcome to join us

Larry Kappel (303)638-2062


Chuck Farnsworth (720)600-1838

* * * * *
Mother's Day Brunch
May 13th 

...because she said so!
THE TAVERN at Saddleback

Mom deserves a treat
and this could make up for sooo many
of your short comings

If you have siblings,
this could be the one thing
you could do to make you mom's favorite

If you are already mom's fave,
this will put you way over the top

think of it this way...
this brunch is waaaaay cheaper
than delivering her those grandkids
she has been harping on you about

* * * * *


NEW TIME for Y.O.T.G. 

is 6:30am 

cause you are healthy and strong,
and love to get up with the sun,
and you absolutely can't wait
to get your mimosa on!

* * * * *

Looking to buy some new clubs this season? 

...cause it's not your fault 
that your game is suffering 

It has to be those stupid old clubs 
that don't have the latest technology

Reserve your spot NOW!
or, you could just show up
cause that works, too

Sorry, we just yelled at you 

League members
may use proshop credits
for Callaway purchases 

Fine Print:
It's nap time so we are going to forego most of the fine print this week.
We don't really have any legalese stuff we need to tell you
so we won't waste your time with stupid crap that you have to put on your 'readers' to see.
With that said, you should still put on your readers,
admit you can't see, and stop squinting... at your age.

See ya on the links!



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