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A friendship is born when someone says, "that's a gimme"

It is that time of year again
where we (golfers) will either
win over new players to the game
we will totally ruin their experience
​and they will tell their friends
how dumb golf and golfers are
and they will eat some Tide pods

We want to remind everybody
to be kind to and gentle with  

Impress upon Newbies that truly
"Nobody cares how good Newbs play...
They only care how fast Newbs play!"

Slow pace-of-play is a real joy killer

It needn't be a sprint, either!
Be nice

* * * * *
Here is another great tip for NEWBS
(and some of YOU who should know)

A quick youtube vid
(actually 13 seconds )
how to repair ball marks on the green

If you want to watch
the extended version
with our


* * * * *
Leagues Forming

If you are looking for
weekly play
with a great bunch of folks,
got 'em!



ladies league kicks off on April 4th

league(s) info will be updated
'on the reg'
as info becomes available

e.g.(2 hours ago)
Message from [SMC president] Mark Marttila:
This coming Thursday is the start to the 2018
SMC golf season.  We have already had a good turn out
to our 'skins only' Thursdays,
so I think this year might be bigger than last year.

The following Saturday, March 31st,
is our first tourney of the year.
It is a scramble with computer picked teams
comprised of an ABCD format.

Sign ups are open,
please see or call the proshop to sign up.

The Men's Club will be buying food and beer
for you after the tourney,
so come out and meet some new people.
More info to follow.......

* * * * *
MAY 2nd

* * * * *
Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch
Next Sunday

Brunch reservations recommended
but not required

Fine Print: 
Nothing hurts our game more than people who don't understand how phun 
something so frustrating can be. 
Please don't make newbies feel out of place.
We were all beginners, once.
Remember: the beauty of golfing with newbie golfers is that
​they don't know all the nuances of gambling and can easily be plucked
​at least until their second season.
Didn't think of that, did ya?

Hopefully, the greens repair video will hit home with a bunch of people. 
It really is quick and easy to repair a pitch mark. 
Make play enjoyable for those behind you.
Even for the one's you don't really like.
Who knows, they may be in front of you next week.

The Saddleback leagues have sweet set ups, in that, 
you get to play when the time works for YOU.
It isn't just a block of times that you either accept or don't get to play.
If you want to play at 5am DO IT! 
If you want to play at 5pm DO IT! 
Just play with another league member and enjoy your league round. 

Saddleback offers league passes  
that will save you about 25% on your season' play. 
Call the shop for details 303.833.5000
(or don't we don't care)

YOGA! May 2nd
We only had a couple of jokes for this one
We are gonna feel out the crowd to see if they can easily kill us first
Stand by for jokes

See ya on the links!


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