Because a woman only earns
what a man makes...

Because a woman only earns
what a man makes...

SHE Pays only 77% for HER:
Food and Beverages
Some Merchandise*
this Wednesday,Thursday,and Friday
(March 26-28)
Fine print:
The WTF Special is for 'HERS' only.
SHE may not come in and pay for an entire group of HIMS.
If you are a HER you may only pay for other HERS.
HIMS cannot pay for HERS, just because HIMS are worth more.
Some merchandise is contractually not available for ANY discount.
We will only charge 77% of retail that which is *Not restricted by our manufacturers
The WTF Special is not available to pass holders...your special is built into your pass.
Also, this special is not available for the purchase of:
passes, gift cards, or other secret stuff that we haven't thought of.
Not only that, but
we reserve the right to totally renege on this stupid offer
because we probably didn't think it through as well as we should have.
Complaints should be held until next week when our bosses return.
'Til then, the lunatics are in charge, so nyah (tongue noise)
See ya on the links!
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