We won!

You Win!
2012 Customer Appreciation Day
Saturday, September 22nd
2:30 PM Shotgun

You Win!
2012 Customer Appreciation Day
Saturday, September 22nd
2:30 PM Shotgun

Registration begins today for:
All Saddleback League Members
All completed 2012 Tournament Directors
Our top 50 (non-league) customers
Are you one of the top 50?
Click here to see if you're on the list
Call the shop to register
Free Green Fees, Free Cart Fees, Free Italian Dinner
Drawings for:
1 of 3 KINDLES
Tons of other great gifts
Tournament Fee will be $25
Early registrants may register up to 3 guests.
Guest tournament fee will be $50/guest
(Tournament fees must be paid at time of registration! No exceptions!)
If you are neither a League Member,
nor a 2012 Tournament Director...
we will open the registration on
Sunday, September 9th at 5pm
Watch for the particulars in next week's email blast .
Fine Print:
Thanks for voting for us!
Due to the limited # of spots at <120 players,
you are encouraged to sign up at your earliest convenience.
Winners of the drawings must be present at the dinner to win.
Some restrictions apply to pending tournaments.
Not sure exactly what that means... we just wanted to put that out there.
The blind draw game is genius.
We wanted to take full credit for it, but an attack of conscience
forces us to thank Mr Rex Heiby for the format.
It just dawned on us...nothing really funny this week.
See ya on the links!
If you can't have phun here...you can't have phun!
Saddleback Golf Club
8631 Frontier Street
Longmont Firestone, CO 80504
Phone: (303) 833-5000
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