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iPad Kindle(s) SkyCaddie GPS Gift Cards other expensive junk...just some of the giveaways that will be drawn as door prizes this Saturday September 22nd 2:30 pm shotgun $50 Green Fees Cart Italian Dinner Door Prizes Want to come for dinner only? ($10)Plus, we are giving away prizes for play Format: Scramble then a blind draw with players from other teams to determine a winning duoBring a 4-some, or sign up SOLO and we can hook you up
We only have about 45 players registered
So there is plenty of room for you and the odds are pretty fair that you will walk away with something awesome. Call the shop to register! Fine print: League members and Tourney Directors pay only $25. Tourney Directors must be T.D.s that had a tourney at our course. Nice Try! We were going to abbreviate Saddleback Tournament Directors (STDs), but??? We have been trying to think of a way to get rid of our GPS rental....it's going away in the drawing. Genius See ya on the links! If you can't have phun here...you can't have phun! Saddleback Golf Club 8631 Frontier Street Longmont Firestone, CO 80504 Phone: (303) 833-5000 http://www.saddlebackgolf.com |
June 19th Friday Night Couples Night Season Opener $79/couple includes: 9-holes of golf & cart Steak Dinner Wine Tasting Registration is now open Golf at 5:45 (shotgun) Dinner at 8:00 Click here for the 2015 Couples' Schedule * * * * * What would you say to an OLD TURD SANDWICH? "Hello, Old Turd Sandwich!" Starting this Tuesday JUNE 2nd Saddlebacks' Old Turd Tuesday Deal NOW INCLUDES A SANDWICH as a lunch choice (if you are sick of our dogs) $37 INCLUDES: Senior Green Fee Ancient Cart Fee Elderly Lunch * * * * * Don't forget our ANNIVERSARY Tuesday, June 2nd Your SECOND DRAUGHT BEER IS FREE! (with proof you got this email) * * * * * TIME WELL SPENT FINE PRINT: Congratulations to our newest little Saddlebacker: Born May 28th around dinner time... Oliver Madison Flemming Congrats: (papa) "Super-Rob", (brother) Jackson, and (mama) Anne. Couples need not be married, dating, nor even like one another to participate in the Couples' E...
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