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We had an email the other day.
One of our customers thinks we are sophomoric morons,
manifesting our moronishness in our mis-spelling of fun (PHun).
All we are saying is...give Ps (and the H) a chance.
We don't, however, deny that we are sophomoric morons.

New Caption Contest

Come up with a new caption for this picture and win fabulous cash and prizes.
Just click on the survey question above to play.
Congratulations, "Movie/Book title to describe your golf game" players.
If you played the game (we know who you are)
come out to the course in the next 2 weeks (expires May 6th)
and we will comp your cart.
If you bring a sucker (oops FRIEND) who didn't play our game,
we will comp your green fee instead of the cart.
Your friend doesn't get diddly squat, so don't tell them.
This offer is good M-F anytime, or after noon Sat-Sun.

Did you know that Saddleback will assist you
to fill your tournament roster?
Here is a great tourney scheduled for next weekend

Axis Dance Company Golf Tourney
You need not be a dancer to play & two left feet are OK

Couples' Friday Night Socials


First event (May 4th) These events never reward great play,
only great Phun!
Our long drive contest is:
Who drove the furthest to get to the course?
They are purely social and non-intimidating.
The game is typically a scramble (or similar)
The Friday night socials include:
green fees, cart, and dinner for 2,

April 25th

Looking for a new driver? Who isn't?
The best deals are made at these events!

Family Day SATURDAY, MAY 5th
Free Clinics
Free Putting Course
Free Golf Ball Hitting
Free BBQ
Free Prizes

Believe it or not, we don't have a lot of fine print this week.
It seems like a good time to remind you that we reserve the right
to change or cancel any offer we may have out there,
to suit our greedy needs.
How's that?
Yes, we made up the term moronishness.
See ya on the links!


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