We are reaching out regarding the
COVID-19 situation
We value the well-being of our customers
and employees and we are taking actions
to best ensure your health & safety
while you are visiting us
Part of our proactive steps include:
increasing the frequency of daily cleaning,
cleaning common surface areas like
all tables, chairs, door handles,
cart steering wheels, counter tops,
and other commonly touched surfaces
Also, we are separating
the dining tables
(where feasible)
to increase recommended

We are committed to providing you
with a golfing opportunity and
perhaps allow you a brief diversion
from all the COVID-19 gloom
We would like to remind customers,
if you are not feeling up to par,
be decent and please stay home
Information is changing rapidly
and so will our ongoing response
to this crazy time in our lives
We will do everything we can
to protect our employees, guests,
and their families
See ya on the links
COVID-19 situation
We value the well-being of our customers
and employees and we are taking actions
to best ensure your health & safety
while you are visiting us
Part of our proactive steps include:
increasing the frequency of daily cleaning,
cleaning common surface areas like
all tables, chairs, door handles,
cart steering wheels, counter tops,
and other commonly touched surfaces
Also, we are separating
the dining tables
(where feasible)
to increase recommended

We are committed to providing you
with a golfing opportunity and
perhaps allow you a brief diversion
from all the COVID-19 gloom
We would like to remind customers,
if you are not feeling up to par,
be decent and please stay home
Information is changing rapidly
and so will our ongoing response
to this crazy time in our lives
We will do everything we can
to protect our employees, guests,
and their families
See ya on the links
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