Veteran's Month STARTS TOMORROW! ALL MONTH LONG NOVEMBER 2020 Veteran's Month! 18-hole Green Fee Shared Cart Range Includes Weekends Before Noon $40.66 After Noon $35.31 Buddies of Vets just $10 more when playing with a Vet up to 2 weeks in advance * * * * * Entering into Winter... you should know that we have a pretty cool feature on our homepage We will have daily updates letting you know if we are open or closed due to the weather We'll let ya know when we will be open for play If we are closed, but we know what course(s) are open for play, we will post it on our daily update It will save you calling around to get your Winter golf on Yer welcome! Fine Print: The 'book now' rates will, in all likelihood, be listed as a lot higher than this promo. Don't freak out. You don't pay until check-in. Just show one of our friendly staff (if you are lucky enough to get one) your DD214 (or si...