Leagues are kicking off

The Mens' Clubbers
play 9-hole rounds on Thursdays
and have already scheduled
10 weekend events for 2019
that are 18-hole tournaments
The Member-Guest tournament
and the Club Championship
are 2 day events
and there is even a 27-hole event
on September 14th
The beauty of the league
is that you can play ANYTIME on Thursdays
All you have to do is
make sure you are playing with another member
to attest your scores
If you want to play a round before work
or when you get off in the evening...
that will work
It isn't just a block of tee times
that you have to commit to
and adjust your schedule to make golf fit
If you would like more information
on the Thursday Mens' League
to go to their page
The Ladies League
The goal of the Saddleback Ladies Golf League
is to promote the enjoyment of the game of golf
by women golfers and create a fellowship
among its members through organized
weekly play and social activities
We welcome all women golfers
who find enjoyment in the game of golf
regardless of level of play;
from those who are just beginning
and would like to meet other women golfers
to those who have been playing
on a regular basis and found consistency
in their game
We will strive to help all women improve
their game by having fun, meeting new friends,
and understanding the rules of golf
(especially those that will apply most frequently)
We are a social league
and are not highly competitive!
We do have monthly games
(included in your league fee)
that are geared to all levels of play.
For example:
Least Putts, Most Putts, Most Fairways Hit,
Most Sand & Water Shots,
Most Shots from the Rough,
and many more!
If you would like more information
on the Ladies League
to go to their page

Saddleback Ladies & Gentlemen
Senior League
The goal of the
Saddleback Senior Golf League
is to promote the enjoyment of the game
of golf by senior (50 and over) golfers
and create a fellowship among its members
through organized weekly play
We welcome all senior golfers
who find enjoyment in the game of golf
and would like to meet other senior golfers.
We will strive to have fun, meet new friends
and play competitively for prizes in a
socially companionable environment
without being highly competitive
We will have weekly games
that are all based on net scores
using league specific handicaps
based on league scores only
(no need for a GHIN number)
The fee to join the league is $20
to cover any administrative costs
(which are expected to be minor),
most of which will be utilized for lunch
and prize money
on the last day league scramble
Depending on the cost of the menu
golfers may need to contribute some amount
for the lunch but we will keep that
as low as possible
For current information on
The Senior CoEd League
We will be updating all the leagues information as it becomes available.
Some of the information provided is still 2018 information.
We left ti there to give you an idea what 2019 will in all likelihood look like.
Old information will be purged as the 2019 stuff becomes available.
See ya on the links!

The Mens' Clubbers
play 9-hole rounds on Thursdays
and have already scheduled
10 weekend events for 2019
that are 18-hole tournaments
The Member-Guest tournament
and the Club Championship
are 2 day events
and there is even a 27-hole event
on September 14th
The beauty of the league
is that you can play ANYTIME on Thursdays
All you have to do is
make sure you are playing with another member
to attest your scores
If you want to play a round before work
or when you get off in the evening...
that will work
It isn't just a block of tee times
that you have to commit to
and adjust your schedule to make golf fit
If you would like more information
on the Thursday Mens' League
to go to their page
The Ladies League
The goal of the Saddleback Ladies Golf League
is to promote the enjoyment of the game of golf
by women golfers and create a fellowship
among its members through organized
weekly play and social activities
We welcome all women golfers
who find enjoyment in the game of golf
regardless of level of play;
from those who are just beginning
and would like to meet other women golfers
to those who have been playing
on a regular basis and found consistency
in their game
We will strive to help all women improve
their game by having fun, meeting new friends,
and understanding the rules of golf
(especially those that will apply most frequently)
We are a social league
and are not highly competitive!
We do have monthly games
(included in your league fee)
that are geared to all levels of play.
For example:
Least Putts, Most Putts, Most Fairways Hit,
Most Sand & Water Shots,
Most Shots from the Rough,
and many more!
If you would like more information
on the Ladies League
to go to their page

Saddleback Ladies & Gentlemen
Senior League
The goal of the
Saddleback Senior Golf League
is to promote the enjoyment of the game
of golf by senior (50 and over) golfers
and create a fellowship among its members
through organized weekly play
We welcome all senior golfers
who find enjoyment in the game of golf
and would like to meet other senior golfers.
We will strive to have fun, meet new friends
and play competitively for prizes in a
socially companionable environment
without being highly competitive
We will have weekly games
that are all based on net scores
using league specific handicaps
based on league scores only
(no need for a GHIN number)
The fee to join the league is $20
to cover any administrative costs
(which are expected to be minor),
most of which will be utilized for lunch
and prize money
on the last day league scramble
Depending on the cost of the menu
golfers may need to contribute some amount
for the lunch but we will keep that
as low as possible
For current information on
The Senior CoEd League
We will be updating all the leagues information as it becomes available.
Some of the information provided is still 2018 information.
We left ti there to give you an idea what 2019 will in all likelihood look like.
Old information will be purged as the 2019 stuff becomes available.
See ya on the links!
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