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Mesquite 2019 Golf Trip and golf near me

Mesquite 2019

The Annual Mesquite Golf Trip
is now open for registration

We will be playing 3 courses again this year,
including WolfCreek

If you are not familiar with the trip...
We limit the registration to 40 players

Registration ends on January 18th

No handicap required
Hi-Lo Split game on 2 days
that anyone can win
even if your team finishes last.
Teams are blind drawn after the rounds.
The games are include in your paid fees

March 18
check in at Hotel CasaBlanca 4pm
and a Dinner Social at 5pm

March 19th
golf at CasaBlanca
and a cocktails & apps social after the golf

March 20th
golf at WolfCreek
and a BBQ buffet (with ribs) after the golf

March 20th
checkout of hotel
and golf at The Palms
and go home

No transportation is provided
You gotta get yourself there

Some will drive to Mesquite
(10 hours from Denver-source Google)
Some will fly to Vegas and drive to Mesquite
(63 minute drive-source ROBO)

Single Occupancy is for a room all by yourself
or rooming with someone not golfing
 cause their golf ain't included

Double occupancy is $575
and we will pair you up with a roommate,
but you can save $50 if you have a roommate
that you will be golfing with all 3 days.
You gotta pay in one fail swoop
and then you get your buddy to pay you back.

Register/Pay Here
(plus some other info)

* * * * *
Nashville Comes To Saddleback


Rob is one of the nicest guys
you will ever meet
and he is an accomplished singer/songwriter
with Arista Records 

He wrote a #1 song for Lee Greenwood
For more info on Rob,
here is the link to his website:

If you would like to see
a youtube video of his talents:
Rob Crosby Vid YouTube

Tickets are just $25/person

Concert starts at 7PM

Next Saturday, October 20th
in The Pavilion
​at Saddleback Golf Course
8631 Frontier Street

* * * * *
Vets Month November!
Not just 1 day

Did you know that we offer
a 10% discount to Vets
for ANY season pass
that they purchase for their
personal use?

Well, we do!

Our November Veterans Special
is for any tee time
(including weekends)
If you play before noon,
your green fee, cart, and range balls
are just $35

Only $30 after noon

just show us your DD-214
(or similar)

Not a Vet?
Bring a Vet!
and your deal is only $10 more

(when playing with a Vet)

Thanks for your service!

* * * * *

Thanksgiving Dinner

All you will have to do
is warm em up and serve em up

All dinners will come
fully cookedand packaged
in oven-ready containers
to just heat and serve

With our 
this deal is a great alternative
to slaving over all that cooking
this Thanksgiving

We will have the details available
in next weeks' email blast

The dinners will be available
for pickup on Wednesday,
November 21st
from noon-8pm 

You can let us know
the best time for pick up
when you pay for your order

Fine Print:
One of our favoritist things to mention is the 63 minute drive
from Vegas to Mesquite
cause somebody will inevitably send us an email that informs us
that it isn't a one hour drive.
Rather, they insist, it is about an hour and 15 minutes.
ROBO tested this a couple years back
and drove from the car rental place (near McCarran)
to Mesquite city limits in 63 minutes.
This is not a challenge for you to beat, but let us know if you do!

The Rob Crosby ticket sales are pretty lackluster
and this could be the last event like this we try
unless you can bolster the participation and grab some friends
and bring em out next Saturday.

We will probably have our coveted
Military Tally Board up and counting the Vet participation
for the November Vet Special.
With the new algorithm for active military per branch
you guys' participation levels end up neck and neck
and Army doesn't win every year.
There is no prize attached to the count, but it is sorta phun to watch.

Last year we sold out of the Thanksgiving takeout meals
You may not want to wait to order once registration is open.
We will probably sell out again

See ya on the links! 

                   ...but don't hold that against 'em!


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