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This week's info is designed
to get you outta the house 

(if even for just a brief time)

We have a ton of stuff coming up
that is either free or SuperDooper bargain-ee

Think of us as your own little Camp Granada

(once it stops hailing your life will be fine)

If that made no sense to you...
ask your mom and dad
or click here 
​for the YouTubes version
of this American Classic

Santa is at Saddleback next Saturday
Free event with a lot of activities for the kiddos 

Write letters to Santa while attending
or bring in letters already written
and just hand 'em to the big fella

There will be cookie decorating,
cocoa drinking, picture taking...


* * * * *
We are cooking Christmas dinner

 complete dinner for 8 

Choice of Turkey or Spiral Ham

Includes 3 sides and Dessert

Limited quantities
We sold out at Thanksgiving
We will probably sell out again

Call the shop & order yours today

​(or don't we don't care)

* * * * *


Some 'yahoo' commented on the fact
that we are calling this TACOS Tuesday
and not Taco Tuesdays

We did this by design...
cause we plan on eating more than one

argument won 

Street TACOS
on Tuesdays
just $1/taco

No take out
Dine in only
(nice try, Goober)

* * * * *

Who said that buying a gift card for someone
is a lazy way to shop for someone?

They are right... and they are genius! 

most people prefer receiving gift cards
cause they can buy what they wanted

(where you wanna send 'em)

Get yourself a little something, too

keep the big gift card
and give them the little something

* * * * * 

We hope THIS monthly outing
brings you some joy

We will feed and entertain your kiddos 
while you have a nice meal in The Tavern

 We will be doing this on the 2nd Friday
of every month
From 5-7:30pm

until we are sick of your kids, too

We can't accommodate any special dietary needs for this
and your little cherubs will be fed some Mac&Cheese
or Chicken Fingers
or something similar

* * * * * 
We had some folks tell us
 "we can't get to The Tavern
 in time for breakfast after church"

We responded
"you go to church?"

...and then we said
 "well, heck, we will stay open until 1pm"

and then they said

What do you say?

* * * * *
Mesquite registration
is over half full 

(limited to 40 golfers)

If you are going
you will want to register/pay soon
or face denial 

(which you know you don't like but are rather accustomed to)

There is only about 6 weeks left
to register

Click here and get signed up

* * * * *


Actually, the song by Allan Sherman 
Hello Muddah Hello Faddah (1963) 
is a release from the UK
We just liked it so much we called it an American classic.

Ok, Mr Wisenheimer:
Stop asking if we have Kosher Ham
for your Christmas celebration!

Like we said,
you gotta eat the tacos while you are at our place. 

No take outs, no to-go's, no crappola's. 
We hope to sell you a beer with your tacos
cause we are trying to run a for-profit thing here. 

If we just talked you out of buying gift cards by claiming it to be lazy, 
please let us know. 
We love when you do that.
We are pretty sure if that offended you
you just recently happened upon us. 

We do this crap on the reg. 
Stay triggered cause there is more to come. 

The Date Night Fridays will kick off on January 12th.
If your little angels don't burn The Pavilion down
we will do it again on February 9th.
Please don't bring your basement dwelling 20-something
for the Kidz events, cause that's weird 

Because we believe in truth-in-advertising 
we gotta tell you we sorta made up the conversation 
with a customer about serving breakfast til 1pm. 
We are pretty sure it happened, though. 
That's a lie, too, sorry. 
The truth: We can easily imagine that it happened. 
No lie. 

See ya on the links!


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