available on all the days
that end in
(why not?)
* * * * *
We have 2 new jokes for you...
from a couple of our favorite jokers!

* * * * *
We had some inquiries about our
5 and 10 play passes
We really did...
so don't go thinking we just
threw this crap in here to
sell you stuff
5 or 10 Play Passes
How much do they cost?
The 5-play pass is $250
The 10-play pass is $450
When can I use the pass(s)?
Any day that ends in 'Y'
(we seriously just over-used that joke in one email)
Can my friend use a punch?
Does the pass include
cart and range?
Yes, both!
What if I walk and/or don't want
to hit range balls?
We won't make you do either
May I buy more than one pass?
Yes, but each card
can only be used by the cardholder
and they expire 365 days from purchase
we just accidentally spelled 'print' wrong
and we chose to leave it misspelled
just to mess with some of you.
We really giggle when you send us our typos.
Sometimes, not always, we don't catch it cause we can't spell sew good.
(did you see what we just did there?)
Your welcome
(nailed that one, too!)
Thanks, to our joke tellers.
You guys are the best sports.
We have found that sometimes the lead-in
or the ending is as endearing as the joke itself.
Thanks, for that!
Did it seem like we used a ton of exclamation points in this fine print?
This crap isn't really all that exciting, but there ya go!
See ya on the links!

available on all the days
that end in
(why not?)
We have 2 new jokes for you...
from a couple of our favorite jokers!

We had some inquiries about our
5 and 10 play passes
We really did...
so don't go thinking we just
threw this crap in here to
sell you stuff
5 or 10 Play Passes
How much do they cost?
The 5-play pass is $250
The 10-play pass is $450
When can I use the pass(s)?
Any day that ends in 'Y'
(we seriously just over-used that joke in one email)
Can my friend use a punch?
Does the pass include
cart and range?
Yes, both!
What if I walk and/or don't want
to hit range balls?
We won't make you do either
May I buy more than one pass?
Yes, but each card
can only be used by the cardholder
and they expire 365 days from purchase
we just accidentally spelled 'print' wrong
and we chose to leave it misspelled
just to mess with some of you.
We really giggle when you send us our typos.
Sometimes, not always, we don't catch it cause we can't spell sew good.
(did you see what we just did there?)
Your welcome
(nailed that one, too!)
Thanks, to our joke tellers.
You guys are the best sports.
We have found that sometimes the lead-in
or the ending is as endearing as the joke itself.
Thanks, for that!
Did it seem like we used a ton of exclamation points in this fine print?
This crap isn't really all that exciting, but there ya go!
See ya on the links!
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