YES... you can play in the snow
5-holes of FootGolf
Lotsa Phun and a good workout, chubby!
5-holes of FootGolf
Lotsa Phun and a good workout, chubby!

Come see what merchandise is left
The shop is open 24/7
(that is a lie, but 9-4 should be safe-ish)
The shop is open 24/7
(that is a lie, but 9-4 should be safe-ish)
Only about 20 spots remaining
for the March 2016 trip!
for the March 2016 trip!

Unlimited Golf in Jan, Feb, and March

We are devising a cool challenge game
(thanks to Michael Cotton)
try to hit all three greens across the frozen lake!
Probably in January???
Watch for details in upcoming emails!
Fine Print:
No carts allowed out for FootGolf this week.
The Dutch Auction is coming to a close.
Xmas Eve will mark the end of it.
The Mesquite trip is slated for the end of March 2016.
It is a ton-o-fun for a great price.
Register early NOW.
Early registration ends on January 20th.
After the 20th, the rate goes up because the boys in Nevada will charge us more.
You don't mess with the boys from Nevada.
The Spring Pass would make a great stocking stuffer...
so stuff it!
If you have any input for the Island Game, let us know.
What we are thinking is... to hit from the #16 tee box side of the lake and
participants can skip a ball to greens #3, #4, and #16.
Got Idear?
Reply to this email with your suggestions. (or don't).
We are tentatively thinking that a Friday or Wednesday in January
would work best for our Tournament Seminar.
Let us know if you have a preference.
We envision it lasting about 30-45 minutes
and we will throw in some snacks and booze.
What could go wrong?
No carts allowed out for FootGolf this week.
The Dutch Auction is coming to a close.
Xmas Eve will mark the end of it.
The Mesquite trip is slated for the end of March 2016.
It is a ton-o-fun for a great price.
Register early NOW.
Early registration ends on January 20th.
After the 20th, the rate goes up because the boys in Nevada will charge us more.
You don't mess with the boys from Nevada.
The Spring Pass would make a great stocking stuffer...
so stuff it!
If you have any input for the Island Game, let us know.
What we are thinking is... to hit from the #16 tee box side of the lake and
participants can skip a ball to greens #3, #4, and #16.
Got Idear?
Reply to this email with your suggestions. (or don't).
We are tentatively thinking that a Friday or Wednesday in January
would work best for our Tournament Seminar.
Let us know if you have a preference.
We envision it lasting about 30-45 minutes
and we will throw in some snacks and booze.
What could go wrong?
See ya on the links!
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