* * * * *

As low as $530/person
(single occupancy vs sharing a room with a golfer)
How many times did you golf
at Saddleback in 2015?
0 times ($725 single $625 double)
1-2 times ($690 single $590 double)
3-4 times ($650 single $550 double)
5 times+ ($630 single $530 double)
All rates include:
Skins Games
*comp round at Saddleback, too!
* * * * *

Fine Print:
Draught Papers must be printed (on paper).
We are not allowing for the picture on your phone.
We need to see that you actually go to our website
or read these stupid emails every now and again.
If you are going to Mesquite and only played a couple times, don't sign up, yet!
Play a couple more and save yourself some coin on the trip.
NOTE: We may be limited to only 32 participants for this trip.
We are waiting for final word from Nevada
on what our maximum participation might be.
Last year we had 54 participants.
We are not taking deposits for the 2016 trip...
you must pay in full at registration.
Saddleback is still throwing in a comp round for PAID participants.
The comp green fee expires March 21st, 2016.
No refunds.
Registration will open on Tuesday, November 3rd at Noon(ish).
Skins/games are only on Wednesday and Thursday in Mesquite.
No games on Friday (travel day).
The Thanksgiving special is tentative!
(weather permitting and the off-chance the orphans we hired get adopted)
See ya on the links!
Draught Papers must be printed (on paper).
We are not allowing for the picture on your phone.
We need to see that you actually go to our website
or read these stupid emails every now and again.
If you are going to Mesquite and only played a couple times, don't sign up, yet!
Play a couple more and save yourself some coin on the trip.
NOTE: We may be limited to only 32 participants for this trip.
We are waiting for final word from Nevada
on what our maximum participation might be.
Last year we had 54 participants.
We are not taking deposits for the 2016 trip...
you must pay in full at registration.
Saddleback is still throwing in a comp round for PAID participants.
The comp green fee expires March 21st, 2016.
No refunds.
Registration will open on Tuesday, November 3rd at Noon(ish).
Skins/games are only on Wednesday and Thursday in Mesquite.
No games on Friday (travel day).
The Thanksgiving special is tentative!
(weather permitting and the off-chance the orphans we hired get adopted)
See ya on the links!
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