GOLF: The Mental Game

* * * * *
Hanging Chad
2 beers enter... 1 beer leaves

Our survey voting was too close
and we are having a runoff
between the two front-runners
Alaskan Amber
Breckenridge Avalanche Ale
Click (above)
on the CHOOSE sign
to vote for your fave!
The winning brewsky will be featured at

2 beers enter... 1 beer leaves

Our survey voting was too close
and we are having a runoff
between the two front-runners
Alaskan Amber
Breckenridge Avalanche Ale
Click (above)
on the CHOOSE sign
to vote for your fave!
The winning brewsky will be featured at

* * * * *

Click on your favorite construction worker
to get this coupon
We call it the...
Pardon Us Deal
Here is what the coupon is gonna say
2 green fees for $50
weekdays anytime
after noon weekends
Offer/Coupon expires June 30th
Yes! You have to have the coupon!
Fwd this email to a friend
One offer-coupon/email
No duplicates
Stop looking for loopholes!

Click on your favorite construction worker
to get this coupon
We call it the...
Pardon Us Deal
Here is what the coupon is gonna say
2 green fees for $50
weekdays anytime
after noon weekends
Offer/Coupon expires June 30th
Yes! You have to have the coupon!
Fwd this email to a friend
One offer-coupon/email
No duplicates
Stop looking for loopholes!
Fine Print:
We thought it funny that we were able to throw an outdated
2000 election reference and a Mad Max (sort of timely) reference in the same offer.
No, it doesn't make sense. Sue us!
Thanks to those VOTERS who took our initial beer survey.
We hope you enjoyed the comp round and free beer you received just for participating.
We had over 180 votes cast.
We didn't realize you were so passionate about beer.
We thought you were just passionate AFTER beer.
We will not track which construction worker you click on.
We are not here to judge!
You are only a pud if you don't get the coupon.
PUD offer does not include cart.
Butt, the cart is not mandatory.
(Did you catch it?)
See ya on the links!
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