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Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe golf donations.

Final Delivery of 2014
golf stuff
to South Dakota this week

We are collecting more golf stuff
to take to South Dakota

This is really one of the
coolest things
you will ever be a part of

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
have received such
wonderful golf stuff
from our awesome customers.

The kids' letters of progress
and love of this stupid game we play
are truly heartwarming.

One girl's letters show her
loving/hating the game
(we have all been there)
to her utter pleasure
of out-playing the boys.

She plays for a couple of hours
every morning
and a couple hours every evening
(when it's not so hot)
on a homemade course
with homemade targets.
She doesn't even refer to it
as practice
She refers to it as play

Be part of something
that is changing lives
and something that may
change a kid's future.

We are mainly looking for:
 Junior Stuff
Ladies Clubs

Get your stuff to the course
by Wednesday

Thanks, in advance

* * * * *

back to stupid stuff
Skipper contest

Here are the guidelines for our
"Skipper Contest"

1) skip a ball across
one of our ponds

(Soccer ball or golf ball)

2) Put the video evidence
on our facebook page

3) Get your reward

one hop across wins a comp beer
(or soft drink)
two hops across wins a comp cart
three hops wins a comp round*
(if the ball stays on the green)

Go to our facebook page for
some examples of wins and fails

FINE PRINT: (not much, won't trigger your ADD)
*some restrictions apply on the comp round...
like after 2pm, that sort of crap
See ya on the links!



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