If loving us is wrong...
you don't wanna be right!
This years' Golf Expo Deal...

3 Great Courses, 1 Awesome Deal
you don't wanna be right!
This years' Golf Expo Deal...

3 Great Courses, 1 Awesome Deal

In 13 days
click on the link below
(Expo Logo)
to purchase the 2014 Expo Deal
(you can click on it now for practice)
(includes cart)
This pass
sold out
in just a few short hours
(last year)
There are a limited number
of passes available
(this year)
(includes cart)
This pass
sold out
in just a few short hours
(last year)
There are a limited number
of passes available
(this year)
If you are planning on going to the Expo,
stop by any of the 3 courses
and get a $2 off regular admission coupon.
Limited quantities are available.
* * * * *
stop by any of the 3 courses
and get a $2 off regular admission coupon.
Limited quantities are available.
* * * * *
This week's 4-Phun game is
1) go to our facebook page
(Click on this 'f')

2) In the comment section...
3) 'Paste' your last 'copy(ed)' comment
4a) That's it!
1) go to our facebook page
(Click on this 'f')

2) In the comment section...
3) 'Paste' your last 'copy(ed)' comment
4a) That's it!
4b) If you 'like' us, too,
we will double your entry
We don't want to get anybody in trouble...
If your last 'copy' that you pasted
is a top-secret URL code,
or a nasty excerpt from your manifesto,
just type in the phrase
'deleted to protect the innocent'
and that will suffice
to put you in our game.
It doesn't have to make sense.
(it surely won't)
If your 'paste' is really long,
shorten it up and put in some dots ......
We haven't even thought
far enough ahead
to tell you what you may win.
We can only assume it will be golf related.
Perhaps something from lost & found.
Fine Print:
We will hopefully remember to send the Expo Pass link
again in next week's email,
but, you know us...
you may want to save this email until you get the pass purchased.
We will be offering the pass at the Golf Expo, too.
We have some phun games set up for our booth.
Come see us and win some cool crap.
If you want to enter the facebook game.... well....go ahead.
I started to say something really important there
and then totally forgot what I was going to say...
and my mad typing skills at 15 WPM
are way faster than human thought.
Weather permitting...see ya on the links!
we will double your entry
We don't want to get anybody in trouble...
If your last 'copy' that you pasted
is a top-secret URL code,
or a nasty excerpt from your manifesto,
just type in the phrase
'deleted to protect the innocent'
and that will suffice
to put you in our game.
It doesn't have to make sense.
(it surely won't)
If your 'paste' is really long,
shorten it up and put in some dots ......
We haven't even thought
far enough ahead
to tell you what you may win.
We can only assume it will be golf related.
Perhaps something from lost & found.
Fine Print:
We will hopefully remember to send the Expo Pass link
again in next week's email,
but, you know us...
you may want to save this email until you get the pass purchased.
We will be offering the pass at the Golf Expo, too.
We have some phun games set up for our booth.
Come see us and win some cool crap.
If you want to enter the facebook game.... well....go ahead.
I started to say something really important there
and then totally forgot what I was going to say...
and my mad typing skills at 15 WPM
are way faster than human thought.
Weather permitting...see ya on the links!
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