Halloween Deal1) Come in costume Next Wednesday
2) Pay for a green fee C) We will comp your cart fee! November Veteran' Special (a one day special stinks, you deserve a month of special) Starting Thursday, November 1stVets$29Green Fee, Cart Fee, Lunch Buddy of a Vet (must have a Vet in the group) $40Green Fee, Cart Fee, Lunch We will be putting up our "Veteran Players Award Tote Board" To see who best REPRESENTS their branch Get your buddies together and try to capture the flag from ARMY! FINE PRINT: Sharing an eyepatch does not qualify for the Halloween special. It has to be a bona fide costume, or at least something that has a funny explanation. If you gave it enough thought, it will probably pass Randis' smell test. Exlcudes passes or any other offer that does not require a green fee purchase. The Vets' November Special is the same as past years. To participate, you must have proper ID. We recommend you bring a copy of your DD214. If you have no idea what a DD214 is...you are probably a Veterinarian. (I still like that joke) We also would prefer that you fought for our side. The 'Buddy of a Vet' needs no proof of 'buddy-ship'. The Vet can vouch for you. By the way, there is no such thing as the Saddleback Veteran Players Award. Sorry. We just made that up. But, we are definately going to start it this year. Ok, sorry again, that was probably a lie, too. See ya on the links! If you can't have phun here...you can't have phun! Saddleback Golf Club 8631 Frontier Street Longmont Firestone, CO 80504 Phone: (303) 833-5000 http://www.saddlebackgolf.com |
If you have 3 friends you could golf for free It's one choice for our Free Fridays deals No Friends? No worries Get the coupon and get a sleeve of ProV1s You already have too many balls? Again, no worries Get the coupon and get a comp lunch or appetizer You're already too fat? Okay, now we can't offer you anything and we are sorry we wasted your lonely, chubby, ball-hoarding time Click Here and we will send your coupon directly to your email Did ya see what we just did? We will trade you some free crap for your email If we already have your email (cause you are reading this) it doesn't matter. Right? Have your friends get their coupon, though They can enjoy these moronic reads or It will annoy them that you made them give up their email for free crap That's what friends are for and the benefit of having friends * * * * * We are in the final leg of the Mesquite trip registration Click here For registration/payment/more info If you have already registered ...
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