Are You Buy Curious?
You ask yourself,
"Self, I'm curious, what 'extra stuff' can I get if I buy some new equipment from Saddleback?"
How's this:
With any equipment purchase of $150, or more, Saddleback will throw in a free golf lesson with their Certified PGA Pro. WHUH? That's plum loco!
Speaking of golf instruction.
(remember? we were just talking about it.)
Click on the link below for awesome deals
associated with the PGA of Find the program that best fits your needs. Sign up online, or call our shop to register.
For example:
GET GOLF READY $99 for 5 Lessons (includes 1 playing lesson and 1 Scramble outing) What a DEAL!
Not only do you get a lesson to learn how to hit the new treasures you just bought... you also accumulate loyalty points towards free golf and carts. Real Fine Print: Some vendors (contractually) do not allow us to add value to purchases. And you thought the SUITS at Saddleback were meanies. See ya on the links! If you can't have phun can't have phun! Saddleback Golf Club 8631 Frontier Street Firestone, CO 80504 Phone: (303) 833-5000 |
June 19th Friday Night Couples Night Season Opener $79/couple includes: 9-holes of golf & cart Steak Dinner Wine Tasting Registration is now open Golf at 5:45 (shotgun) Dinner at 8:00 Click here for the 2015 Couples' Schedule * * * * * What would you say to an OLD TURD SANDWICH? "Hello, Old Turd Sandwich!" Starting this Tuesday JUNE 2nd Saddlebacks' Old Turd Tuesday Deal NOW INCLUDES A SANDWICH as a lunch choice (if you are sick of our dogs) $37 INCLUDES: Senior Green Fee Ancient Cart Fee Elderly Lunch * * * * * Don't forget our ANNIVERSARY Tuesday, June 2nd Your SECOND DRAUGHT BEER IS FREE! (with proof you got this email) * * * * * TIME WELL SPENT FINE PRINT: Congratulations to our newest little Saddlebacker: Born May 28th around dinner time... Oliver Madison Flemming Congrats: (papa) "Super-Rob", (brother) Jackson, and (mama) Anne. Couples need not be married, dating, nor even like one another to participate in the Couples' E...
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