We have a lot of good things going on
at SaddlebackHere are some awesome
tourneys/events that are
open to all

Friday June 11th
7am Registration
8am Shotgun Start
Lunch to follow
Join the movement to end
Multiple Sclerosis!
Register here
* * * * *
KCI Construction
Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Wednesday, August 18
9am shotgun
7:30 registration
Lunch and awards to follow
Register here
* * * * *

All proceeds of the tournament fund
Hispanic Education Foundation scholarships
for St. Vrain Valley School District graduates
Even if you don't play,
you can donate to the foundation
Friday June 4
Player check in-7am
Prize drawings-1pm
Many corporate sponsorship levels available
For additional questions, please email
Registration deadline-Friday, May 28
* * * * *
Blood Drive
Because of you, life doesn’t stop
Donate blood
May 25

anyone donating at this blood drive
(Pavilion event building at Saddleback)
will also receive a chit from
Alex (the girl)
for a super cheap round of golf
with cart and range balls
that may be redeemed up to 10 days
after their donation
* * * * *
We have had some of our customers
asking about tipping our service staff
We no longer accept tips for service
we thought we would
put out a collection jar
and fund some cool charities
that could benefit from your
kindness and generosity
If you are at the bar
and are overwhelmed
with the need to tip...
throw a couple of bucks in the
charity fund jar
We will change the charity
every month
Because we are halfway thru May,
we are going to name St. Jude

as our charity of the month
for the rest of May and all of June
Fine Print:
If you have a great charity event, let us know.
We would love to help your event to be a success
See ya on the links!
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