Flagstick In or Out?
Here is a great video from
Expert Golf
that represents most of the
we could find
on the inter webs

There has been some debate as to
whether leaving the flagstick in
is beneficial
or not...
It would appear that
the benefits of leaving it in
outweigh the need to fiddle with it
The caveat to this theory
is the golfer who can't
seem to break with tradition
and needs to have the stick pulled
cause he saw it on TV
As far as 'pace of play' is concerned
it is definitely better
to just leave it in and putt
If every other guy needs it pulled,
we think the pace is worserer
chime in on this great debate
and we will randomly draw one name
for some comp golf
for you and a friend
* * * * *
Don't forget about this weeks'
super special
Just $40 PLUS...
click the pic for your Free Friday Coupon

along with our usual FREE FRIDAY offer,
you can play as much golf as you can fit in
from 6:30am until Noon
We have a tourney in the afternoon
and you gotta be off the course
by noon
cause we need your cart
Call the shop
for a tee time
* * * * *
Some other 'goings-on'
for this week
Old Turd Tuesdays
Senior 18-hole rate
with cart and range balls
Tacos Tuesday
$2 Tacos
c bev purchase
Couples Golf
9-holes of golf, cart, range balls,
clinic, dinner, 2 comp drinks
just $99/couple
The price goes up to $109
if not registered/paid by Tuesday
Click here to register/pay
after Tuesday
please call the shop to sign up
Fine print:
We really couldn't find compelling evidence
for the need to pull the flag when putting.
One exception would be when there is a significant wind
moving the flag into a position
where it might block your putt from dropping
The Free Friday coupon is necessary
for all Free Friday deals.
It is our way of annoying you a little bit each week.
We could just offer the deal without the coupon,
but what phun is that?
See ya on the links!
Here is a great video from
Expert Golf
that represents most of the
we could find
on the inter webs

There has been some debate as to
whether leaving the flagstick in
is beneficial
or not...
It would appear that
the benefits of leaving it in
outweigh the need to fiddle with it
The caveat to this theory
is the golfer who can't
seem to break with tradition
and needs to have the stick pulled
cause he saw it on TV
As far as 'pace of play' is concerned
it is definitely better
to just leave it in and putt
If every other guy needs it pulled,
we think the pace is worserer
chime in on this great debate
and we will randomly draw one name
for some comp golf
for you and a friend
* * * * *
Don't forget about this weeks'
super special
Just $40 PLUS...
click the pic for your Free Friday Coupon

along with our usual FREE FRIDAY offer,
you can play as much golf as you can fit in
from 6:30am until Noon
We have a tourney in the afternoon
and you gotta be off the course
by noon
cause we need your cart
Call the shop
for a tee time
* * * * *
Some other 'goings-on'
for this week
Old Turd Tuesdays
Senior 18-hole rate
with cart and range balls
Tacos Tuesday
$2 Tacos
c bev purchase
Couples Golf
9-holes of golf, cart, range balls,
clinic, dinner, 2 comp drinks
just $99/couple
The price goes up to $109
if not registered/paid by Tuesday
Click here to register/pay
after Tuesday
please call the shop to sign up
Fine print:
We really couldn't find compelling evidence
for the need to pull the flag when putting.
One exception would be when there is a significant wind
moving the flag into a position
where it might block your putt from dropping
The Free Friday coupon is necessary
for all Free Friday deals.
It is our way of annoying you a little bit each week.
We could just offer the deal without the coupon,
but what phun is that?
See ya on the links!
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