Win 365 days of green fees!

The drawing will be sometime after halftime
of Super Bowl LIII
(Roman for 53, cause 53 would be too hard to write)
You must be present to win
Your first entry is free
but you can add more entries
whilst visiting The Tavern
For every $10 you spend in The Tavern,
you can put in an additional entry
to increase your chances of winning
The chances of winning are
1:(number of names in the hat)
it's just math, look it up
* * * * *
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
and we got him!

Cookie decorating and hot cocoa with Santa
Letter writing to Santa
will insure he gets your child's letter
(demands list)
Plus, it saves you a stamp
* * * * *
This Friday

From 9-11pm
If your dates usually end after 5 minutes...
this is right up your alley
If you would like to participate
give Devon a call at
(or leave a message at the bar)
$20 will enter you into the
Speed Dating event
and includes a drink and appetizer bar

The drawing will be sometime after halftime
of Super Bowl LIII
(Roman for 53, cause 53 would be too hard to write)
You must be present to win
Your first entry is free
but you can add more entries
whilst visiting The Tavern
For every $10 you spend in The Tavern,
you can put in an additional entry
to increase your chances of winning
The chances of winning are
1:(number of names in the hat)
it's just math, look it up
* * * * *
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
and we got him!

Cookie decorating and hot cocoa with Santa
Letter writing to Santa
will insure he gets your child's letter
(demands list)
Plus, it saves you a stamp
* * * * *
This Friday

From 9-11pm
If your dates usually end after 5 minutes...
this is right up your alley
If you would like to participate
give Devon a call at
(or leave a message at the bar)
$20 will enter you into the
Speed Dating event
and includes a drink and appetizer bar
Fine Print:
The drawing for the 365 days of free green fees
will be some time after the halftime show,
but before the chubby gal sings.
If you are not present when your name is called,
we will continue to draw names until a winner is proclaimed.
In case you didn't notice: you may not sell or transfer the prize
to anyone other than the person who is named on the entry form.
The contest is running NOW and you can begin entering NOW!
We threw a 'whilst' in there just cause it's fancy
Do you use memento or momento?
Actually, you need not answer that.
It was just a weird random thought that, in hindsight,
could have been left out.
Looking back at all the ramblings in this email
there is actually a lot of that going on...
See ya on the links!
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