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Where O Where Are You Tonight?

TATUM's Tourney
Cancer doesn't care that she is only 16 years old

This tournament is 100% donation to play
and 100% of the proceeds go to Tatum
for whatever she wants!

 She may put the money towards her care,
she may put it towards her retirement,

she may put it towards 16 year old girl stuff....

This tournament is nearly full,
but we are also taking
company sponsorships and gifts

If you would like to sponsor a hole
or donate a product or service,
give us a call
There is no set price for sponsorship

What can you do?

For example,
Josh Renova, at Colorado Solar is donating $1,000
for solar installation for folks in our area
for everyone who mentions this offer
and has the solar installation

There may be some restrictions,
but you will need to contact them
for all the specifics

For more info about this
'new to the area' company
and their offer to donate to
Tatums' Tourney
please visit

Do you have a product or service
you would like to donate?

* * * * *

Date Nights/Kidz Nights?

We are mixing it up a little for the
Date Nights in July, August, and September

 We are gonna start just a little later
to beat the heat of Summer
and we are gonna add a movie for the kiddos
in The Pavilion at Saddleback
to keep them occupied
while you enjoy a nice meal
in The Tavern at Saddleback

We will probably still feed them
some Mac&Cheese and provide some popcorn
during their movie,
but we ain't promising anything
cause we are pretty flakey

Please don't set your expectations too high
and we shouldn't disappoint you

The movie will start at about 7pm
in The Pavilion and we are planning on a nice
Disney-esque movie for them

We decided not to show them anything scary
in spite of the voting results

Mark your calendars! 

...or don't, we don't care

* * * * *

​Saddleback Golf Clubs'
is scheduled for Sunday, July 8th

The Nine-&-Dine events are fun,
relaxed 9-hole golf outings
INCLUDING dinner and first drink!

Each event features a different golf format
(handicap not required)
and are held approximately
every other Sunday afternoon at 3:30

Warm-up range balls, golf cart
and prize pool are also included in the price

Those checking in early can attend
a complimentary group instruction clinic at 3:00
with one of our Saddleback golf instructors

> Online Registration CLICK HERE <

 Hosted By:

"Short Game Specialist"
Paul McQuade-Director of Instruction

Phone/Text: 970.556.0873

Golf Shop: 303.833.5000


* * * * *
Like Soccer?Like Golf?

If you said NO to either of these,
this next bit isn't for you.
​You may proceed directly to the fine print
(and stop being so grouchy)

If you said yes to either of these...
Consider playing some Sunday FootGolf

footgolf socials start at 2pm
on Sundays

They are hosted by one of the
top professional FootGolfers
in the world


We ain't just making that up
even though such lies aren't beyond
the scope of what we would do
to sell you some crap.

This time we ain't lying, though 

Fine Print:
When we call Paul McQuade the 'short game specialist'
we don't mean he is short in stature,
we mean he can teach you the scoring part of the game of golf...
the short shots, the scoring shots.
In fact, he is super average height, not too tall, not too un-tall, just like super averagey height.
If you are short, he may look ginormous, but that isn't his fault.
It's not your fault either.
We blame your parents. You should, too.

See ya on the links!

   ...but don't hold it against them


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