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don't forget that credits expire December 31th

We are making some changes to our website in a couple of weeks.
If you stop getting these moronic emails... we lost your address.
Just let us know and we will hook you up
with new and improved moronical fodder
(yeah, it's a word)
FIne Print:
Any edited facebook posts to a Bronco Vs ???? score will be disqualified.
Posts must be in by kickoff.
Let your bartender know if you are in the game to qualify for the comp cart portion of the prize.
They will have no idea what you are talking about because they don't read this crap or follow rules.
What ya gonna do?
Register now for the New Year's Eve soiree!
We gotta know how much food to prep.
You MAY use your credits for the 40% off sale.
Yer welcome!
Register for Mesquite with a buddy and save a ton of bread.
See ya on the links! (someday)
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