Leagues Start in April

Ladies League begins on Wednesday, April 6th
click here for more info
The Mens League begins on Thursday, April 7th
The Mens League will have unofficial play
(with skins)
every Thursday starting next week
click here for more info
click here for more info
The Mens League begins on Thursday, April 7th
The Mens League will have unofficial play
(with skins)
every Thursday starting next week
click here for more info


There are shots that should not be practiced!
If your success rate is less than 10% while practicing a certain shot,
you should discontinue practicing that shot.
A positive mental outlook will probably be more advantageous
than ingraining a 90% failure rate.
Knocking the sand off your cleats after a sand shot
will prepare you for knocking the snow off your boots
before entering your house on a snowy day
* * * * *
Don't miss this chance!

Play the game you will play
with your kid's kids!
fine print:
One rule we forgot to mention is that if you find poop in a bunker,
it is a natural object and may not be moved, unless it is yours.
The Saturday 'Golfers Anonymous' meetings have been cancelled
due to a lack of participation.
The first step was admitting you had a problem.
See ya on the links!
Don't miss this chance!

Play the game you will play
with your kid's kids!
fine print:
One rule we forgot to mention is that if you find poop in a bunker,
it is a natural object and may not be moved, unless it is yours.
The Saturday 'Golfers Anonymous' meetings have been cancelled
due to a lack of participation.
The first step was admitting you had a problem.
See ya on the links!
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