Last Call for the
Old Turd Open
This Friday

Old Turd Open
This Friday

Call the shop to register
Ladies (old turdettes) are welcome, too!
* * * * *

We had some great ideas submitted for our
(One of our faves from Mr. Michael Cotton)
From the #16 tee box,
try to drive all three island greens!
The winner wins $1,000,000
(or a comp round or a free beer)
What is your contest idea for The Islands?
Submit your idea
(or don't...we don't care)
* * * * *
We were not #7 in the Golf Digest ranking...
(most cheerful course)

We were 1 of 9 mentioned and
our ranking could actually be higher
We are pretty confident we are #1
* * * * *

Saddleback offers 'family-friendly'
golf deals that won't break the bank

fine print:
You gotta be at least 60 years old to participate in the Old Turd Open.
$39 includes green fee and cart.
The game is a Best-Ball which is a bit different than a Scramble.
Both players play their ball from tee to green and record one team score
(the lowest score, duh).
The Island Greens contest is still not defined.
We are taking your great ideas for this contest (or contests).
There may be more than one contest for the Island Greens.
If you have an idea for a contest,
reply to this email or post your gem on our facebook page.
Family golf begins at 6pm nightly.
It is only $27.50 for (up to) a family of 4.
You must have someone in your party that is under 18.
We will provide 2 carts if you have 2 adult drivers, all for just $27.50
This will allow you to play up to 9-holes of golf before the day ends.
The cow thing is just for phun.
See ya on the links!
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