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Showing posts from March, 2014

April Fools Prank

Do you have what it takes to play the game?     Actually... All you need is a little money and a little time * * * * * April Fools' Day is Tuesday We want  you  to play a prank on our staff. They are supposed to read this crap but they don't Print this email and clip the coupon below. Bring the coupon into the shop on Tuesday. It is not really valid for free green fees and cart, but, our staff doesn't know that. The  staff code  is phoney. They won't find this code anywhere in our system. After they fiddle with it long enough, give them this portion of the prank and tell them they owe you a draught beer. This prank should only be good for one of our staff at a time. No guarantee there, either. Who knows, they may fall for it more than once!  clip here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 COMP GREEN FEE AND CART   Spring into Spring with us! Staff Code: S1ZCLV$$685?$ - - - - - - - - -...

Women Are Just Like Men... Just 23% Cheaper

W ednesday T hursday F riday SPECIAL Because a woman only earns 77% what a man makes... SHE  Pays only  77%  for  HER : Golf Cart Food and Beverages Some Merchandise*  this Wednesday,Thursday,and Friday (March 26-28) Fine print: The WTF Special is for 'HERS' only. SHE may not come in and pay for an entire group of HIMS. If you are a HER you may only pay for other HERS. HIMS cannot pay for HERS, just because HIMS are worth more. Some merchandise is contractually not available for ANY discount. We will only charge 77% of retail that which is *Not restricted by our manufacturers The WTF Special is not available to pass holders...your special is built into your pass. Also, this special is not available for the purchase of: passes, gift cards, or other secret stuff that we haven't thought of. Not only that, but we reserve the right to totally renege on this stupid offer because we probably didn't think it through as well as we should have. Complaints should be h...

What's a Grecian Urn? and NCAA Brackets

Q: What's a Grecian Urn? A: About 200 Drachmas a week! That was stupid Don't  YOU  be stupid Play Saddlebacks' 2014 NCAA BASKETBALL GAME It is Phree and Phun and you could win fabulous crap! HERE IS HOW TO PLAY go to register NCAA Mens' Basketball Fantasy games Look for our bracket... SaddlebackGolfers Post your picks when the brackets open Win some fabulous crap!!! * * * * * The winner of our 30 days of green fees for Best Swing? Worst Swing? contest Brian Rohrick ON THE LEFT....NOT THE CUTE GIRL (WE THINK) We noticed that Brian is also a   Fan and that is OK... We will just talk slower so he can understand. Congrats, Brian! Your 30 days of green fees starts Sunday March 16th and ends Monday April 14th FINE PRINT: THE NCAA BRACKETS NEED TO BE FILLED OUT BEFORE THE FIRST GAME ON MARCH 20TH. DON'T WAIT TO  REGISTER. DON'T CALL US CRYING IF YOU MISS THE DEADLINE SEE YA ON THE LINKS!

Win 30 Days of Green Fees, or don't, we don't care

Win 30 Days of Green Fees (or don't, we don't care)   Click on the facebook link (above) Answer this question Of all your golf buddies.... Best Swing? Worst Swing? Keep in mind they will probably fire back at you!!! We will draw a random winner for 30 days of green fees Winning has never been easier! (or some other stupid tag line you need to get you to play) * * * * * FootGolf? We are planning on being the first FootGolf course in Colorado If everything goes as planned we will be open the FootGolf course around April 15th What is FootGolf? Thanks for asking. FootGolf is a fun hybrid of soccer and golf. Players kick a soccer ball at oversized cups and like golf try to do it in as few shots (kicks) as possible. It is played right on the golf course. Won't it interfere with 'real' golf? No. Participants are expected to play at a pace of play that 'all golfers' are asked to meet. The participants of FootGolf will be reserving tee-times just like ...

Ruh Roh. My Buddies golf swing?

CONTEST WINNER!!! FAB 4 CAPTION CONTEST Tony Stevens The Good News... Tony has won one month of green fees The Bad News (ruh roh)... His comp green fees end April 2nd NOW Win 30 days of green fees! Name one of your buddies that... their swing fits into one of these two categories 1) Ugly, but it works! OR 2) Beautiful, but no workie! Have someone in mind? Go to our facebook page name your buddy and which category You could win tons of fabulous cash and prizes If you don't want to play this one because it feels mean... (or you just wanna play another game) name the BEST movie to ever have won Oscar or name the WORST movie ever to have won Oscar Still too mean? Wow are you fragile! fine print: There are no tons of fabulous cash given away. If you have video proof of an ugly or beautiful swing, attach a link. Pics will also work. See ya on the links!