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Showing posts from March, 2020

We will make it to Summer

Coming This Summer or sooner! Remember when you asked for a Ladies Day Special? (well, you did) Here ya go! Once we get the ALL CLEAR we will kick off our  WOMENs WEDNESDAYs  $42  (all day) Women will receive an 18-hole green fee cart and range balls for a measly  $42 * * * * * Also, later in Summer  (typically in August/September)  we will have our Annual Kiddos' Charity Golf Tournament benefitting a local child that may need a little help with medical bills or whatever the kiddo wants This is a benefit tournament and Saddleback will donate 100% of green fees, cart, and range to the childs' family Also, The Tavern Restaurant at Saddleback will be  donating 100% of the food for this awesome event If you know of a local kiddo who might need a little community' help, give us a buzz Call Alex 'the girl' at 303.833.5000 to nominate your kiddo or go to our DONATION LINK on our website

Covid19 and Golf

We are reaching out regarding the  COVID-19 situation We value the well-being of our customers  and employees and we are taking actions  to best ensure your health & safety  while you are visiting us   Part of our proactive steps include: increasing the frequency of daily cleaning,   cleaning common surface areas like all tables, chairs, door handles, cart steering wheels, counter tops, and other commonly touched surfaces ​ Also, we are separating the dining tables (where feasible) in THE TAVERN to increase recommended 'social-distancing'  We are committed to providing you  with a golfing opportunity and  perhaps allow you a brief diversion  from all the COVID-19 gloom We would like to remind customers,  if you are not feeling up to par,  be decent and please stay home Information is changing rapidly  and so will our ongoing response  to this crazy time in our lives...

97% of statistics are made up

For the voyeur in you... we have a new live camera setup  facing the putting greens and the front range GOLF CAM Sort of phun to watch if you are super bored It is kinda phun to watch people putting and to look at the mountains Every now and again, you even see a chubby little 'dad-bod' walk thru Come to think of it, you will see that more often than you may have thought hmmm * * * * * Our Yamaha fleet  has bluetooth speakers equipped  on every cart*  Just pair up your device  and listen to your  fave entertainment  while you play   Music?  Podcast?  Mood Noises? ​Motivational crap? * * * * * We got jobs! We are hiring seasonal positions for the restaurant and shop If you need some summer work or know of somebody, tell em where to go! ...and then tell em we are hiring APPLICATION FOR HIRE (print it out, fill it out, bring it out) * * * * * Paul's got them-there clubs...