Our New Carts will be here any day now We scheduled the arrival of our new Yamaha fleet for March 15th cause we doubted they could do it The 1st update of delivery was moved to April Fool's Day, but we didn't fall for that trick We are now being told that they should arrive on or about April 10th If you are entered in the "guess when the carts are coming pool" and chose first-to-mid April, you are still in the running. Good luck to those players The new carts will have the Yamatrack GPS system. Speaking of the GPS system (remember, we just mentioned it?) we will be offering limited advertising opportunities beginning in the 2019 season Don't worry, we aren't gonna inundate you with a ton of popup ads during your round! If you have any interest in advertising on our new GPS system with a ton of annoying popup ads that will be seen by tens of thousands of golfers, give Josh Clay a call at 720.877.1814 * * * * * Health Be...