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Showing posts from July, 2017

Happy Hour and a couple of jokers telling jokes

OUR HAPPIEST HAPPY HOUR s HAPPY HOURS  available on all the days that end in  'Y' (why not?) * * * * * We have 2 new jokes for you... from a couple of our favorite jokers! * * * * * We had some inquiries about our 5 and 10 play passes We really did... so don't go thinking we just threw this crap in here to sell you stuff 5 or 10 Play Passes FAQs: How much do they cost? The 5-play pass is $250 The 10-play pass is $450 When can I use the pass(s)? Any day that ends in 'Y' (we seriously just over-used that joke in one email) Can my friend use a punch? NO Does the pass include cart and range? Yes, both! What if I walk and/or don't want to hit range balls? We won't make you do either May I buy more than one pass? Yes, but each card can only be used by the cardholder and they expire 365 days from purchase FINE PRONT: we just accidentally spelled 'print' wrong  and we chose to leave it misspelled  just to mess with some of you.  We ...

Golf in the dark. What could go wrong?

GLOWBALL NIGHT THIS   FRIDAY  golf in the dark Dinner kicks it off at 7pm ribs, carnita taco bar, cole slaw, house-made ancho potato chips, brownies for dessert At about 8:30 we will head out onto the course We will be golfing on holes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 avoiding hole #4 Dependent upon course set up it may be reduced to 6 or 7 holes for your safety We encourage decorating your cart (and yourself ) with glow necklaces and lanterns. It will keep you a little bit safer and it is really fun We  occasionally reward the best decorated cart with a special prize. We aren't saying we will, but we are saying we might You will want to bring: flashlights mosquito spray friends We will play in 6-somes because it is more social and you need to work on your social skills Call the shop to pay/register 303.833.5000 * * * * *  Happy Hour  * * * * * ViDeO JOkE of THe DaY! * * * * * Need something to do tomorrow? JUNE 11 GAM...