The Deals Are Alive! HalloWednesday Costume Cart Comp Day Wear a costume on Wednesday and Randi will comp your cart You pay only your green fee Just trick! Veterans' Month Starts on Thursday! Vets pay, only $29 (for an anytime green fee, cart, and lunch) Buddies of Vets get the same package for, only (if playing with a Vet) $40 Fine Print: Randoggy will be the judge as to whether your costume is really a costume or just some crap you made up to get a comp cart. Naughty costumes are automatic winners. 'Naughty' is defined by those of you (ie) dressed like a bully....what were you thinking? The Veterans' special runs for the entire month of November. DD214 (or similar) proof of service is required for Veterans' offer. See ya on the links! If you can't have phun can't have phun! Saddleback Golf Club 8631 Frontier Street Longmont Firestone, CO 80504 Phone: (303) 833-5000 http://www.saddlebackgo...