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Showing posts from October, 2016

Veterans Day Golf Specials should be a month

Come golf in a costume on Monday and get a comp cart EZ-PZ Thanks to "Grampa Bardeen" for the Jack-O-Lantern pic Check out his premium pumpkin carving tools  Just click on the pic below * * * * * NOVEMBER IS  VETERAN'S MONTH!!! If you are golfing with a VET  YOU  get a great deal, too! VETS: CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR DRAUGHT PAPERS! What are Draught Papers? Thanks for asking... When you present the draught papers you will receive a daily drink special (in addition to your golf special) Please bring in a printed copy to show your bartender We don't want no Jonny-Come-Lately gettin' your deal * * * * * ANNUAL DESERT GOLF TRIP  We are finalizing the annual golf trip for March It looks like we will be going out on the 14th, and golfing the 15th, 16th, and 17th Input from some of you asked we play Conestoga CasaBlanca Palms Check Next Week's Email for final details   * * * * * We have expanded our GAME TIME SPECIAL!!! UPDATE TO SPECIAL: If there is a live ...

VET SPECIAL Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This

The Saddleback NOVEMBER VET SPECIAL is back BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! CLICK HERE for your November Beer Specials Draught Papers! You will need to Print the draught papers Put your name on them Bring it in for specials Electronic copies won't work (yer phone)

Get off yer can!

* * * * * Kimberly Schwartz won PRIME RIB DINNER FOR 2 "name a song that best describes your golf game" Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers Thanks, for playing! Wednesday' Prime Rib Dinner is now only  $19.95 * * * * * We only have a couple of prime dates left for the 2016-17 Holiday Party Season Call Lanna 720.937.3375 to book your event * * * * * Watch your emails for our VETERANS NOVEMBER SPECIAL FINE PRINT: The 'Longmont Chamber' is the 'chamber of commerce' not the orchestra. We ain't got a musically talented bone in our body. Well, maybe one or two. Come by for some snacks Tuesday afternoon, we would love to have you. The Pavilion open dates really are pretty lean. You may want to consider saving some coin and booking your party on a weeknight. Our famous NOVEMBER VET SPECIAL is right around the corner. Look for the particulars in upcoming emails. Last year Air Force won our contest narrowly defeating ARMY. See ya on the links!

Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese (Curds)

Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese... CURDS The Broncos have an afternoon game and the Packers play in the Sunday evening' matchup! * * * * * Frost delays suck!  (or do they?) Saddleback takes the sting out of having to wait to play golf just because of some stupid frost   If you ever have to wait to play we will liquor you up and maybe even buy you lunch Here is our FROST DELAY DEALIO * * * * * Our buddy  Karen Stephenson  is on Family Feud (not Karen) this Thursday the 13th at 10:00pm or 10:30pm and Monday the 17th at 10:00pm or 10:30pm Check your local listings and cheer on Karen's Family! This is a picture we snagged from our 'facebook-stalking' of Karen it was tagged "this is how WE celebrate back to school" (with her cohort Kelly) OUR KINDA GIRLS! To make this even more phun for you... Take a picture of your tv and the family feud bring it in to our bartender and we will comp a draught after your next 2016 golf round * * * * * FACEBOOK GAME...


UNLIMITED GOLF UNTIL 2017 * * * * * Tuesdays Kidz Eat Free! * * * * *   * * * * * SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! ( and some other days, too ) FINE PRINT: The FALL GOLF PASS may be exactly what your golf game needs. Consider this: you only have a couple hours a day to play golf. SO PLAY GOLF FOR A COUPLE HOURS A DAY! That is the beauty of the pass. Consideration 2: you have a whole day off every week... PLAY ALL DAY! The pass allows you unlimited play until the new year. Even if you only have an hour you can come hit range balls. The only restrictions for the KIDZ EAT FREE DEAL is that it is one free meal/paid adult entree and the comp meal is from the KIDZ MENU! Oh yeah... the kid must be under 18. NICE TRY Mister thirty-something still living at home trying to get a free meal. We played a similar game before when we asked what movie title best described your golf game. We will randomly draw a winner from all the submissions. The winner will receive a comp Wednesda...