The Tavern Restaurant It's Comfortable It's Casual IT'S COMFASUAL! * * * * * SEND US YOUR DECK PIX for a chance to win a dinner for 2! Here's ours... show us yours Click on the pic or facebook logo (above) and submit your DECK PIX (Pictures from our deck) to our TAVERN PAGE * * * * * We are hiring musicians for our Saturday Music Nights You musically inclined? Showcase yourself at The Tavern Give us a call for your audition Fine Print: Let this serve as public notice that we claim the term Comfasual and we will sue anyone who tries to steal it. If it is already owned, please forgive us and don't sue us. Deck Pix! It would be great if you are actually in the picture Tag yer mates for more pop! Deck Pix! There aint no audition, but we couldn't think of an ending to this stupid email. See ya on the links!