Dutch Auction Starts Tuesday Merchandise will be 10% off (October 29th) 10% 'more-off' every Tuesday until Xmas Eve Xmas Eve-90% off * * * * * Veterans' Month NOVEMBER ...because Vets need more than a 1 day special Green Fee, Cart, and Lunch $29 Are you the Buddy of a Vet? $40 (Gotta be playing with a vet) * * * * * Mesquite Trip in March The suits gave us another 8 rounds for the next 8 players who register for the Mesquite trip. If you want more info about the trip CLICK HERE * * * * * Holiday Party? We only have a couple weekend dates available (or) book a weekday event and save a ton-o-dough Call Lanna Bookings 720.937.3375 Fine Print: The Dutch Auction features select items from inventory. Some manufacturers do not allow discounts. We couldn't resist the Dutch Party Girl pic. Yes, we are aware of every stereo-type it depicts. In our defense.... It is the place you get arrested for growing plants, but not arrested for smoking them? 10% 'more-off' v...