Our Bestest Buddy RanDoggy is retiring soon. His replacement starts training on Monday We want to 'break-in' the new guy right. Remember, we don't like bullies, nor mean-spirited stuff so... keep it fun. At his interview, 'New Guy Mike' stated "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" When we stopped laughing, I thought 'what a great opportunity for a prank' Keep in mind that the new guy thinks you are always right This sooooo works in your favor for the next week or two. First part of the prank: Make him think you know him... Come out and golf this next week, or two, and when you see him say... "Hey, Mike. How have you been?... new guys are trying to remember everybody and get embarassed that you know them but they can't remember you ...I haven't seen you since.... (Insert your joke here) some of the finishing lines we thought of were: ...that Turkish prison. ...I had to sneak out your window. ...your parole board review....