The new Saddleback App is up and running. Go to the App store and download it now. IT'S FREE MARATHON GOLF You asked for got it! All the golf you can play in one day for one low price. Monday thru Friday June 25th-29th and July 2nd-6th (excluding July 4th) $62 (includes cart) no frills with this just golf and cart CONTEST SCHMONTEST Remember, we are running the contest 'to come up with a contest' to win a SkyCaddie We have received a lot of great ideas You have one week left to submit your idea to our facebook page We will determine the winner from "likes" that your idea receives We will also add 10 points for every "share" your contest idea receives (click here to post your contest idea) then promote the crap out of your idea with your buds and win the first of two SG5s fine print: No rainchecks will be given for Marathon play. "You pays yer monies...