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Showing posts from September, 2011

Fall/Winter Golf Pass

The 'Fall/Winter pass 2011' play begins on October 1st. NO, it cannot be used before then, so stop asking. There are no restrictions for play other than you can't use the pass towards tournament play. Nice try! Also, and we shouldn't even have to mention this, but... ...we reserve the right to alter the pass to suit our greedy needs if (by chance) you found a loophole that we may not have thought of. The last day of play for the pass is December 31st. If you are pooh-poohing the pass because Winter is just around the corner.... Well, we don't really have a response to that. You are correct. A bit grumpy, but, you are correct. Winter is coming, again. Get over it. Maybe this will help: we were golfing last December, even on Christmas Day. So there! Golf is not actually free if you consider the initial cost of the pass. We didn't need to mention that, did we?

Aerify Schmaerify

   fine print: Hey! We hate this crap as much as you do. It won't really be like a lunar surface...don't be such a wussy! "Super Rob" (our Superintendent) tells us that the smaller 3/8" tine and 3" spacing that he employs is the most effective modern method of aerification and the greens will heal fast. The greens will be back to his standards, pronto. Of note: when he was explaining it to us we shook our heads and squinted our eyes as if we understood...we didn't. For the warmup bucket of balls you gotta be here in time to hit them. We will not be just handing out tokens willy-nilly. If we did that, we'd run out of tokens (Waaa).   Before you email me the term "aerate" in lieu of aerify....I totally agree. I don't know who (or when) someone decided to start calling it aerify. I have to liken it to the change of calling flip flops-flip flops that my generation called thongs. Please explain to your kids 'when a thong was a...

Phun Joke

Because we know that there is someone reading this to someone else (because the print is too small) tell them that you just heard 'the phone ring'. If they say they 'heard it too'... we just shared a quiet and funny moment. Don't tell them you didn't really hear the phone ring. Fun, huh? See ya on the links!