We are getting so close The weather will soon be a little more golf-conducive Hang in there! * * * * * If you are looking for a Lent friendly meal on Fridays The Tavern has the 'best fish in the tri-town area' according to a survey of three people who work for us and rely upon you eating here to feed their families Certainly a poll you can trust * * * * * Like singing in the shower? Like singing in public? Like making fun of people who should probably only sing in the shower? Have we got plans for you... all of yous Karaoke kicks off this Thursday at 6pm $5 appetizer specials (even if you ain't singin') Fine Print: Not sure if golf-conducive is even a word but you can throw a hyphen into any word combination and convince yourself that it is. So there. We meant to say that karaoke is for all of YOUS. It sounded funnier to us as we wrote it. Sea ya on the links! (Dad fish joke)