Leagues Will Be Kicking Off Soon (with a little luck... YOU won't be kicking off soon) * * * * * Don't Forget About Our Cool Frost Delay Policy * * * * * NEW GAME On your next round try this... NO PRACTICE SWING when you are on the tee box You tee it up and smash it! Can you survive playing without a practice swing (or 4)? * * * * * GOING TO MESQUITE? HERE ARE YOUR TEE TIMES FINE PRINT: If you have some league info you want us to shoot out to your players, let us know! If you don't have any information...nevermind this offer to send out stuff. That would be silly to send a notice that you have nothing to say. It would sort of be like this rambling that is going nowhere. The March pricing sheet includes a shared cart. If you are alone, we do not charge more even though some courses do. They are jerks, we are not (usually). See ya on the links!