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Showing posts from July, 2014

Murder, video, Fat City, SuperRobBlog

Murder Mystery Night This Friday Golf at 5:15 Dinner and Murder at 7:30 Are you clever enough to solve Whodunnit! There are only a couple of spaces remaining $120/couple Call the shop, now! * * * * * This weeks video: Got Loft? Have you ever wondered if you have enough loft on your club to clear a bunker's edge or enough loft to clear a tree in your target line? Here is a quick trick that will answer these questions Just click on the picture to see video    * * * * * Fun as  [expletive] Tournament registration ends tonight! 32nd Annual 'Fat City Open' Brought to you by world-famous Jerry D Saturday, August 2nd 1pm shotgun Golf, Dinner, and Live Music $100/player (or package deal) $400/4 player team Call Jerry D's to register 303.833.3469 Ask for the Saddleback Email discount. There isn't a discount which really only makes it funny to us * * * * * If you ever wanna see what is going on with the maintenance of our course... visit our superintendents' pa...

We are into our Summer Stretch

We are into our Summer Stretch and we have a couple of stretches for you     Stretch your imagination   MURDER MYSTERY August 1st   start with some golf then attend a dinner as a murder unfolds Whodunnit? Register now! space is limited and we are nearly full don't forget glowball-Aug 15th   * * * * * Stretch your legs and stretch your golf dollar   'Summer of 69' Golf Special Marathon golf with cart All the golf you can play in one day (Fridays in 2014) Just $69 Course Record: 100 holes in one day (by some old guys) speaking of old guys... Have you heard of our   'Old Turd Tuesdays' SPECIAL?   for about   $37   Senior green fee cart & lunch   FINE PRINT: Murder Mystery is $120/couple and includes: green fees, cart, dinner and event for 2. Glowball is August 15th and will probably be played on 9 holes. Please pass on the senior special.... they can't figure out the internets. Real men have curves, too S...

Glowball, Murder Mystery, and a video. Become a thousandaire in your spare time.

Couples' Nights Murder Mystery August 1st Limited to 40 Couples 5:15 shotgun (9 holes) 7:30- Hors d'oeuvres Act 1 at 8pm 4 course meal and a 4 act play (professional acting troupe) Final reveal at 10 pm WHODUNNIT?!?! $120, per couple Includes: golf, dinner, entertainment * Glowball August 15th  For a list of upcoming Couples' Events and for more information CLICK HERE * * * * * Re-gripping video You could become a thou$andaire in your $pare time Just click on the picture to learn the fine art of golf club regripping   Fine Print: Pass holders pay only $100 for Murder Mystery and only $80 for Glowball. 4 course meal may be a bit of a stretch and we want to publicly declare that it might not be quite 4. OR, maybe it will be, we just don't wanna commit to anything in writing. We are thinking about playing 9 holes of GlowBall instead of our usual 6 holes. It will mean you will need to buy more glowballs... let us know what you think. It will mean there w...

A Stupid Video, A Friday Night Outing, And An Amateur Golf Tournament. Could you waste your time in other less important ways? Don't think so!

Please stop. If you continue to read this crap you will lose about 5 minutes of your life that you can never get back. * * * * * Yeah... We woulda read on, too. Wanna see a really stupid video? Of course you do. Click on the clapping Orson Welles (it's us) * * * * * July 11 Swingers Couples Night Golf and FootGolf Combo If we dont get 10 more couples we will have to postpone or cancel this Friday's event Don't wait to call  Couples will alternate from FootGolf to traditional golf & back & then back some more Green fees, cart, and dinner only $75/couple * * * * * Golf Channel' AmatuerTourney is next week July 12th If you would like more info or To register click on the logo fine print: Swingers fees will be refunded if event is canceled when we say we need 10 more, we mean we just need 10. Pretty lackluster registration. Not your fault...and it sure isnt the fault of our otherwise pretty fair marketing guy. He doesn't take it as a personal...